Friday, August 24, 2012

Partying? Carry sunglasses and stole!

There have been a lot of news reports of raids being conducted in popular pubs in metro cities and all party goers found at these venues being arrested.My two cents on this issue - be prepared to protect your identity when you go partying.Carry sunglasses and a stole to cover your face in the trendy little clutch that matches your dress for the night. The moment the police decide to conduct the raid, the media is already waiting outside with videocameras to flash your face all over national tv.

Ideally, the press shouldnt be there clicking the pictures and thereby forcing all party goers cover their face to protect their identity. It is not a crime to be at a pub if you are an adult.Why indulge in this act of covering your face making you look guilty? Yes- agreed that the media does flash your face with the breaking news that banned substance was found at a rave party.But that does not necessarily mean you were the trader/consumer of banned substances. Cover your face so that your family/neighbours don't know its you. Of course it is shameful to the community that the civilized, well mannered working girl is having a nice evening in a popular pub with her friends. So go ahead cover up - give the society what it wants and so that it keeps wanting more of this so called "moral" behaviour!

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