Sunday, December 15, 2013

What kind of a Cook are you?

I read an article in paper today on kitchen humor. It seems there are 4 categories of cooks in this world :
1. Unconscious Incompetent
2. Conscious Incompetent
3. Conscious Competent
4. Unconscious Competent

As the name suggests the dream is to get to stage 4 where competent cooking comes naturally without too much effort. And obviously the worst stage is the first one where you cannot cook and you don't know that.

Before I got married I was clearly stage 1 where I believed that cooking can't be too hard as my mother and sister managed to cook well without too much effort. I used to think a major part of the skill was genetic and I would be a good cook too. But now wiser with some years of cooking under my belt, am at stage 2 - still incompetent but aware that cooking isn't my cup of tea and this skill isn't acquired from genes.

Will I progress to stage 3 ? Not likely as the leap from incompetent to competent is a huge one requiring effort and also I have a hubby who is already at stage 3. It might be more worthwhile to spend my energy in making him reach stage 4!

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