Sunday, May 5, 2013

Just let me be!

"Just let me be" is a philosophy that screams for an existence - without being noticed or judged or applauded or criticized, to just be and not be bothered by worries of tasks or chores that don't interest you.

If being a control freak is largely considered a negative trait then shouldn't being the one who readily gives up the control reins of chores that doesn't interest you be considered a positive trait? Isn't it a sign of maturity to say " I really don't care what the decision on this matter is.. I am ok either ways..people who seem to care about a side please take a call and just let me be "? I don't know about you people but I truly believe that it is a skill to distance yourself from taking sides or even being involved in matters that are just too trivial for you. What is a good, healthy normal trait in my opinion is apparently considered to be a negative trait. I tend to get perceived of as lazy , unwilling to accept responsibility, slacker and also as a stubborn person showing no inclination to adapt. Before you jump to conclusions about me, let me clarify that this philosophy applies only to some things in life and not to all. I do genuinely care about some chores and take full charge of them. The question really is -can people accept it when I honestly admit that I don't care enough about a particular task to make any decisions and would willingly give the reins of control to whoever is interested?

With the typical stereotyping of roles in society I find it extremely hard to follow my philosophy.If not wanting to be involved itself is such a liberating thought , imagine if society in general warms up to this idea - 'just let me be' may be the best thing that ever happened to you!

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